Information & Submission Policies

Welcome! We are glad you are considering to submit to our magazine. Read below about our submissions guidelines and proceed onto the form when you are ready. If you have questions about what to submit, abnormally large file sizes, or just want to say "Hi!", feel free to contact us at anytime.

We Accept Everything

We pride ourselves on accepting work from any genre that has come by us. As such, feel free to submit not only your written works, but also visual art, music, and other appropriate mediums. If selected to proceed beyond our prescreening process, we will find a way to put your work in somewhere.

Anonymous Process

Any work that is submitted for review to our magazine is converted to an anonamously-formatted document when it is presented to our staff for judging. As such, the only person who sees your name in association with your work is out submissions manager, who is literally bound to confidentiality. We trust you to support our publication, and hope that you will return that trust as we review your work.

Comprehensive Review

Our comprehensive review process is accomplished in rounds, usually separated by the amount of time in a specific submission window. As such, we have our staff independently review submitted work, and then reconvine for a discussion to discuss final decisions. We will utilize the email that you provide us with to update you on a submission's status as well as general magazine updates.

Print Publication

Our print publication is published two times a year, and is presented in a physical, paper-bound magazine book. It is available for purchase after publishing is complete, and is generally also our most selective publication. Here, we showcase works that pair with our given seasonal theme, as well as ones that stand out to our staff. Cover art is created by our staff, and is generally selected from submitted works.

Online Publication

Our online publication is continuously updated by our Web Editor and staff team. All works placed into the print publication will also appear online, as well as additional, unprinted works. This online medium also serves as a places for non-traditional genres, such as music, to be displayed for all to see. We also try to feature student works and staff spotlights throughout the year.

Rolling Submissions

Our "Two Season" method is focused around publishing two print editions every year. As such, we have rolling submissions that do not have a end or start date. Some dates that are posted usually signifiy the cutoff for that particular edition, however, they do not mean to deter you from submitting. You may submit anything at anytime throughout the year and we will get to it for the current edition or for the next edition.